Dataw and Fripp Island owners felt the holiday spirit this year as they joined together to support St. Helena Elementary School’s Angel Tree. The Angel Tree Project supports over 130 children in need of a brighter Christmas. The Angel Tree Project provides uniforms, casual clothing and educational games, books, and toys, for St. Helena Elementary children that are in need plus a Holiday Meal gift card. Students are identified by guidelines established by the St. Helena School Coordinators. Sponsors may choose to donate a monetary amount for the purchase of a uniform set, casual clothing and an educational game or book—around $40.00 per Angel.
Dataw and Fripp collected over $8,000 in monetary donations and 67 educational toys, games, and books from over 75 donors! A special thank you goes to the Dataw Island Women’s golf Association whose members donated $500 at their luncheon which was matched by the association itself to reach $1,000. A big thank you also goes to the Fripp Island Santa Golf Scramble whose proceeds of approximately $800 were also donated! Our own Adopt-A-School of Beaufort County, Inc. donated $1,000 to help.
Many thanks to Sara Reynolds Green, Parent Liaison; Monique Shaw, School Counselor; and Andrea Murray, Social Worker for coordinating the program at St. Helena School. Monique Shaw is the newest member of the Adopt-A-School Board. Thanks also to Betty Huntley, Board President and Jan Manning, Board Vice President for coordinating the donations on Dataw and Fripp Islands respectively.